Any person with a UA CatCard can access the Campus Pantry. Changes to our schedule will occur during holidays and academic breaks. For up-to-date information on our days of operation, please see the Events calendar. We are located on the 1st floor of the Student Union Memorial Center across from the Esports Arena. Please remember to bring a reusable bag to our distributions!

With questions about access or to request any disability-related accommodations that will facilitate your full participation in the Campus Pantry distributions or other Campus Pantry events, please contact:

What to expect when visiting the Campus Pantry

  1. When you arrive at the Campus Pantry, a Campus Pantry team member will swipe your CatCard. This will grant you access to the Pantry.*
  2. You will place any large bags/backpacks you have on our rack, grab a grocery basket, and begin shopping!
  3. The Campus Pantry operates on a point-based system. Users will have a certain number of points to use in the space upon each visit.
  4. Each item at the Pantry is worth a specific number of points. Users can grab as many items as needed with the amount of points they are given.
  5. Items available at the Campus Pantry include: produce, non-perishables, milk, bread, eggs, frozen goods, hygiene items, and more!
  6. When you are ready to leave, a Campus Pantry team member will weigh your grocery basket. These weight estimates assist us in sharing the story of the Campus Pantry to ensure that no Wildcat goes hungry.
  7. You will then place your items in your reusable bag to take home!

*Please note that you are required to present your CatCard to access the Campus Pantry. Students do not need to “qualify” to visit the Campus Pantry. Any CatCard holding member of the UA community is welcome to visit the Pantry. Users can only visit two out of three days the Campus Pantry is open (this includes our other services such as Campus Pantry North and Pantry Pick-Up).

If you have any questions, please refer to our FAQ.